The design work of Nacho Guijarro


Production site


So tape is a tricky thing to animate, as we associate it to something fairly static (glued!).
If we animate it too much, or the wrong way, we might not get the association.
The solution shown in the following demos might be a way to bring the tape to life, while being true to its static aspect.


Below, a mere example to show what happens when we “turn” and apply “speed” at the same time. A solution that we could apply with different speeds, to the different tapes of the blue wave (which i understood should have more energy) .


Below, a couple of stabs at using the tapes to reveal images (with plain colors by now).
This is really a very rough demo… will try to find some time before thursday to do some examples with athlete/product images.


A very initial exploration of an end tag…
just to imagine how it could all work together.



Looking for a “tape-way” to show text/navigation using the “tape cut”.
Of the 2 proposed possibilities shown in the images below (triangles & 3 stripes angle), i have mainly explored the first one.


Here a demo that shows the previous.
As you can see, there would be some simple graphic triangular elements (solid or outlined) anywhere in the screen… and when interacting/scrolling down, the tape would come in from the side and conceptually “cut“ the tape on those elements, hence revealing the text.



You were probably expecting to see more examples focused on showing/revealing images or social media formats. I will try to find some time to animate a couple examples before thursday.

Let me know if you like anything.